Something Else is a site for the studio of Erik Chu

By day, I am a professional architect and planner. But in the evening, I admire the magic of the Tao and long for something else. This site is a record of these meditations.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Dream Deferred

Growing up Asian in the United States is not easy. There have been moments when I have felt anger and rage. How I have dealt with these strong emotions largely defines my character.

Humor, grace and toughness allow me to coexist in a country where an ingrained prejudice against Asians is not uncommon. Those who react crudely and trivially toward people with Asian features like me fail to understand me as an individual. Moreover, they are blind to the significant contributions Asian cultures might bring to America.

Despite all this, I find I am more driven to better understand the culture of my ancestors and to build a better bridge between the United States and Asia. But there have been barriers yet to be broken.

Perhaps the next generation of Asians in America will fare better. In the meantime, I continue to work to rid the United States of its provincialism and its limitations.

Image of Chinese artist Ai WeiWei Dropping a Ming Dynasty Urn. Working in the opposite direction, Ai WeiWei works hard to break China from its own provincialism.

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